Silver Valley Trust

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At Silver Valley Trust, our inventory goes fast due to our easy purchase programs. If you don’t find what you are looking for here, chances are we’ll have a house in inventory soon that will meet your needs. If you wish to be notified as soon as a house becomes available that meets your criteria, be sure to join our Buyers List by completing our PRELIMINARY HOME OWNERSHIP APPLICATION. Why rent when you can buy? To see the advantages of Renting vs Owning, please look at our Rent Vs. Buy calculator. Some properties may be available on our “Work For Equity Program™” where you can earn credit towards your move-in fee or down payment for agreeing to do some or all of the repairs. This is not a requirement as we can do all of the repairs if you choose not to.

Available For:

Propiedades Disponibles

En Silver Valley Trust, nuestro inventario se va rápido debido a nuestros programas de compra fáciles.

Porque rentar cuando usted puede comprar? Para ver las ventajas de rentar o compar, clic en el siguiente enlace Rentar Vs. Comprar.

Disponible para:

The Lawson Family

Mr. and Mrs. Musick have been a blessing to our family.

Mr. and Mrs. Musick have been a blessing to our family.  We had been searching for a home in Bristol and found this wonderful home in the Sunnybrook Subdivision.  We are so excited  about owing our own home and thankful that the Musick's have provided us with this wonderful opportunity.

The Lawson Family Bristol, TN

R Roorda

"Why rent when you can own your own home?"

"After I graduated from Emory & Henry College last year, I found myself a little place in Bristol, VA.  I had all my heart's desires at the time: a great job, a nice apartment and a wonderful fiance'.  Yet six months had passed and something had been eating at me.  Why pay rent when you can own your own home?  Well, thanks to Tim and Nina, they have made that dream a reality for me and my fiance'.  It wasn't long after that we began the search process for our first home.  We weren't expecting much, just a little nest to grow old in.  Then I saw it:  our three bedroom, one-bath house.  I say "our" because from the moment I saw it, the home called out to me.  Many people may not believe in love at first sight, but with this home, we felt just that.  It was the quintessential first home for the single gal/guy or newly established but grounded couple.  Forgive me if I sound somewhat cheesy or a little to endearing, but this whole process was an emotional rollercoaster for my fiance' and I.  We were able to snag our dream home thanks to two caring individuals who really want to help you and anyone else grab an opportunity to wonderful to miss." 

"I never thought I'd be so happy to mow grass!"

R Roorda Bristol, VA